Interview with Shereen Zarroug
Birth Coach, Doula, Childbirth Educator, Positive Birth Advocate & Founder of Belly Baby Mom
1. What inspired you to pursue your career?
Growing up, I was not one who ever fantasized about having children of my own, but after my 3rd birth experience, and all the preparation I had done prenatally, I got a calling that I should be supporting and empowering other expectant women, to prepare in the best way by having all the correct information, understanding their birth rights and seek support in order to achieve a positive birth experience. I realized many women didn't know they had options, and sadly, many of them went on to have negative and traumatic birth experiences, because they simply didn't have the support they didn't know they needed. I wanted to be there for women, for them to experience a positive birth experience, no matter how they end up birthing their babies.
2. What do you most enjoy about your profession?
When a new mother tells me 'It was because of you that I have had this great experience, you have made all the difference'. I believe as doulas and educators, we long for that outcome, we want to make a difference in these women's pregnancy, birth and parenting experiences, and getting that positive feedback, tells us were in the right profession, doing the right thing. Also 'changing the face of birth in the UAE' has been one of my goals, and when I see doors opening up due to a significant input or collaborations I've made, is truly humbling yet motivating for me to go on.
3. What difficulties have you endured to get to where you are today?
As birth professionals (doulas), we were not recognized in the UAE as a legal profession. This made it difficult for us to get licensed and launch our businesses. At one point, this became my goal, and after fighting for a change for 3 months, I'm proud to say that today, we are legally recognized professionals working in the UAE! This gave me the opportunity to enter hospitals professionally and create collaborations and partnerships, all in the name of supporting expectant couples to my maximum ability.
4. What makes you smile and what scares you the most?
I smile every time a 3 second old baby, just being born, looks at me with that knowing look, that they are happy I'm there for them and their mamas! I smile when a mother takes action, gains confidence, sometimes going against the grain, making well informed decisions for herself, because this is her body, her baby and her birth.
What scares me, is the thought that a women and her partner feel disempowered during labour, and succumb to unnecessary interventions... and sometimes even obstetric abuse. I work very hard with couples for them to build that confidence, so that they can be the main decision makers during their birthing experiences, and hope that they don't leave it at the door.
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
Persistence. It is key. If you have a passion, don't second guess yourself, go for it, because you will live to regret it if you don't! Sometimes, the grass will not always look green, but remember why you got into it in the first place. Have a mission and vision that is so valuable and personal to you, and go back to it every time you feel you want to give up.
6. What life lessons have you learnt from Covid-19 that you would like to share with other aspiring women?
It is hard to think positive!! But when you do, you do see all the positive aspects that COVID has brought upon us. I have had to switch to online sessions and classes, which can be tricky when teaching labour and birth positions, and guided meditations in Hypnobirthing, but somehow I learnt to tweak and today, my clients and myself found a way to make them work very well (infact some prefer this format!). Our team also introduced 'Virtual Doula support', where we can now support a couple virtually throughout their labour and birth experience without having to be with them at the hospital.
7. What are your goals for the upcoming year?
Oh wow, they are LOTS! For 2021, I plan to launch my own Childbirth Education Academy for expectant couples, a Doula Mentorship programme for new and aspiring doulas, re-launch my pregnancy & birth podcast, and also launch a bunch of new online workshops to support birthing couples throughout their parenting journeys.
8. If you had a choice to have a superpower, what would it be?
To freeze time! I can think of 100 scenarios where that would be helpful! More time for work, for family...oh and as a doula, I think that would be awesome to be able to talk with couples during labour, through some interventions and give time for them to decide what they would like to do or not do!