Interview with Sapna
1. Who or what inspired you to pursue your career? The mind and the way it works.
Mind is complex yet beautiful. I was told happiness is a state of mind and that is when I went on the pursuit of happiness. With mindfulness and holistic healing practices, I often found myself in a better mental and emotional state than I was earlier. I found that my curiosity to be in a better place drove me to it. The best part about this process was that everything was within my reach and mostly within me. The past, the present and the future, my mind knew it all, I just had to become aware of it. The infinite encouragement from my family and friends only made it that much easier for me to pursue my happy state of being. Everyone encouraged me to do exactly what I wished to do in that moment. My biggest inspiration were the many people who were also in the pursuit of happiness, all I needed to do was to be available and open to sharing my experience. I knew I was not alone on this journey.
2. What do you most enjoy about your profession?
I enjoy talking to people about their emotional and mental well-being. It gives me pleasure to bring people to a point where they can see the infinite possibilities in life. Life is an experience and it's not a race. No one is ahead or behind; everyone is where they are supposed to be. And when people understand this simple theory, they tend to appreciate life a little more than they did before talking to me. The best feeling in the world is to be able to make a difference in someone’s life for the better, however small or big that might be. If the person in front of you is in a better place, you have done well.
3. What difficulties have you endured to get to where you are today?
As cliché as this might sound, there are no mistakes and there are only lessons and I have learnt a lot in my life. I have had my own fair share of struggles. The list is long, but to say the least, I have been faced with rejections and judgements of many whether it was within my community or at my workplace or at a social gathering. I was always the odd one out until I learnt to be the odd one in. The more I approved of myself, the more people did not care to give me their approvals. And things slowly started to change for the better. I was accepted, I stood for my opinion and people stopped judging me and started to show more interest in my personality as opposed to my appearance or where I came from or what car I drove.
4. Did the pandemic affect your path in accomplishing your goals this year?
Yes, the pandemic affected us all. I am no exception to this situation. But that is where these practices come in handy, I am at peace with what is and how it is. There is a common saying that if one door closes, many open for you and that is what one should look forward to- all those doors with different opportunities. If you look at what is ahead, you have no time to look back at what has gone. I believe if you are not able to meet your goals in time, give it some more time, change the pace and not the goal. I must work harder and smarter than I did, and I have no problem in doing so. Everything that is meant for me will arrive at the right time.
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
Believe in your dreams because you are the only one who knows their full potential. If you believe in it with your full heart and soul, the universe will conspire to help you achieve your dreams. Do not give-up, give it more passion and blessings instead.
6. What life lessons have you learnt from Covid-19 that you would like to share with other aspiring women?
Women, you have the fire, the sparkle and the shine. You are a diamond that needs no polishing, you have it all - just be you, honor yourself, honor your feelings, speak your truth and see how the world honors you. You are enough.
7. What is your greatest strength and weakness?
My greatest strength is being OK with what is. If nothing is permanent, then the situation I am not enjoying will not be permanent either. My weakness – not making the most of my time. There are instances where I do not achieve what I have set out to achieve.
8. If you were to go back in time, what would you have done differently?
I would not go back in time to change a thing, but for a minute if I were to think that I had the choice to change anything at all, it would be to go back to my younger self and tell her that she is safe and everything is going to be OK.