Interview with Pascale Nakhlé
Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Writer
1. What inspired you to pursue your career?
I have always found myself interested in understanding the human brain and the underlying biopsychosocial elements which trigger human emotions and behaviour. I used to enjoy listening to others and trying to help them figure out certain patterns that are fundamental in explaining their relationship dynamics and emotional reactions. My compassion always got the best of me and drove me to want to be there for others. I would say it’s my compassion and love for others that inspired me to dive into this career.
2. What do you most enjoy about your profession?
When I see someone trying, even if 1 percent, to love themselves and do good for themselves, that is when I feel the most motivated to work with that person and intrigued to learn more about them. I love seeing people strong, having courage and willing to do good for themselves. I love seeing women who are outspoken and opinionated. I love talking with men who are okay with their own vulnerabilities and open about their emotions. I enjoy witnessing growth and I love taking part in people’s personal journey of growth and self-love.
3. What difficulties have you endured to get to where you are today?
I have had quite a few but I can’t deny that I also surrounded myself with the mentors and supervisors that can help me grow and direct me to places that are enriching and growth-oriented. Coming from a place where mental health is still in the process of being acknowledged as an important medical condition, I had to always support my ambition with so much education and training. I had gone to the best schools abroad to train with gold standard professors who are integral members in development of certain psychotherapy approaches and techniques.
4. What makes you smile and what scares you the most?
At work? Well, patients who try to challenge me and oppose me, I find them funny and I always enjoy the ride with them because we end up on really good terms and have a strong bond. What scares me the most is when I might miss out on an important detail that could potentially put my patient at risk.
In Life: Being with someone I love makes me smile, and losing that person scares me the most.
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
You are the only person you need to tell you that you are good enough and you are worthy of a good and decent life. Nothing comes easy and most of the good things come at a price. However, it is all within your reach and it is your voice and action that will get you there. Even when it feels scary and when your voice is about to break, say what’s on your mind and never give in to bullies.
6. What life lessons have you learnt from Covid-19 that you would like to share with other aspiring women?
The lessons I’ve learnt:
Nature needs a break from us. We have overconsumed it. Learn to always take and give breaks to the universe.
Work is important but nothing is as important as your own mental health.
Life is not just accomplishments and career ambition, it is also living and loving yourself even when you are not accomplishing anything at all.
Never take life too seriously!
7. What are your goals for the upcoming year?
I have honestly stopped writing and deciding on long-term goals. We know now more than ever that with so much uncertainties, life has become too difficult to plan. I am living one day at a time. What comes, comes. What goes, goes. What stays, stays.
8. If you had a choice to have a superpower, what would it be?
I would definitely be a time machine! I would go back in time and chose moments I want to relive forever.