Interview with Kelsey
1. What inspired you to pursue your career?
My journey to become an Inner Child Coach officially started in 2013 but for you to fully understand what inspired me to become an Inner Child Coach, I will have to take you back to when I was 8 years old.
I was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency and fibular hemimelia of the right leg which means my right leg is shorter than my left. Having this condition means I require a prosthetic leg to walk. When I was 8 years old I was bullied by a school friend who focused her taunts on my leg. From that day on, I closed my heart and vowed I would never allow anyone to hurt me like that again.
Fast forward 10 years, I was still struggling to accept being different and I developed an eating disorder. I thought if I couldn't have two normal legs at least I could be thin. After 2 years, I finally got help from a Doctor and read lots of eating disorder recovery survivor stories which helped more than the Doctor to be honest. I recovered from the eating disorder but I still didn't feel happy. I felt empty inside and I couldn't understand why.
During a holiday with my friends, 2 years after recovering from the eating disorder, my friend said to me "Kels, if you still don't feel happy with the way you look, why don't you get your leg amputated?". When the holiday was over and the plane landed in my hometown, I went straight to the Doctor and asked for my leg to be amputated but I couldn't explain why I wanted it amputated. The Doctor said "Kelsey, if you only want to amputate your leg to look pleasing to others then I would highly recommend you don't do it. It's not what is on the outside you need to change, it's what is in your mind!". That's when it hit me, it was the thoughts about my leg that needed to change not my leg itself. I went straight on google when I got home and searched "how to change your thoughts", Life Coaching popped up and I was convinced this was the path for me.
I took my first Life Coaching course in 2016. It completely changed my life. I realise now looking back that for most of my life my heart was closed because of the way I perceived things. It was my thoughts about the situation that needed to change not the situation itself. When my thoughts began to change I became more open and love started to flow back into my life. I continued on this path and took several other courses, in particular, a course in Inner Bonding which led me to Inner Child Coaching. I help people reconnect with themselves and find their way back home.
2. What do you most enjoy about your profession?
I enjoy the feedback I get from my clients when they tell me how working with me helped them change their life in a positive way. It brings me great joy to see my clients overcome challenges and live a life filled with love, joy and peace.
3. What difficulties have you endured to get to where you are today?
As you can see from my answer to question 1 above, I have faced many difficulties along my journey. The main one was stepping away from fear and moving towards faith to be who I was meant to be.
4. What motivates you?
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
You will experience fear and your Wounded Self will try and tell you to "stay safe". When this happens I advise you to do an Inner Bonding process and take the loving action on your own behalf. You can't fail if you don't give up :)
6. What life lessons have you learnt from Covid-19 that you would like to share with other aspiring women?
Life is NEVER going to be smooth sailing so we need to learn to adapt to the environment we are currently in in order to thrive.
7. What is your greatest strength and weakness?
My greatest strength is my determination. No matter what life throws at me I always keep going and never give up.
My greatest weakness is taking others' uncaring and unloving behaviour personally instead of focusing on the truth from God, that another's behaviour is never about me - I am working on that!
8. If you had a choice to have a superpower, what would it be?
To be able to make people see their true Essence, their Inner Child.