A self-professed cosmetic junkie, Injeel Moti, founded The Beauty Blog ME in 2013, rich with content ranging from fashion and cosmetics to lifestyle and wellbeing. Injeel, although a public relations specialist by profession, has been able to manage her blog and cultivate it into a now well-established platform with a large and ever-increasing audience. Her beauty blog me is a new initiative that features a ‘Beauty Purchase Roster’, an innovative twist on featured products that are good enough not only to try but also available to buy for the readers right off the blog. Injeel would describe herself as a cat lover, beauty enthusiast and a novelist in the making!
Interview with Injeel Moti
1) Why did you choose to be a PR consultant? Is it something you always wanted to do?
PR for me just happened by chance, I wanted to pursue a career in journalism which is what I educated myself in as well but upon graduating the chances of landing a job in journalism that paid were bleak and after a bit of struggle I stumbled upon a role in PR and it’s been a wonderful journey since.
2) What difficulties have you faced to get to where you are today?
I think for me one of the biggest challenges has been pursuing a career that doesn’t come with a textbook explanation. As Asian (Indian) girls, more often than not we are expected to fit in a box that is often designed for us by society and often doing anything out of the ordinary isn’t accepted easily. Acquiring a job that required working above and beyond the 9-6 hour and more so away from the desk networking, mingling and honing my communication skills proved to be challenging. To date my family don’t quite understand what it is I do but I am forever hopeful J
3) What does your blog mean to you?
The blog is something I established 3 years ago, back when blogging wasn’t as mainstream as it is today. It was my own way of letting out steam and express what I felt without having to worry about the consequences, it’s a free space where I get to write my honest thoughts out.
4) What is the best part about your career?
The best part or I’d say most rewarding bit is the gratitude I receive from clients upon landing them a meaty feature. Making people happy is what gives me happiness and no better way to do that having their achievements recognized in a leading broadsheet or magazine now is there?
5) What advice can you give to others about pursuing their dreams and positive thinking?
Pursuing your dreams can be challenging, especially if there isn’t a lot of support available from your loved ones. The key is self-belief and the will to keep going, if you truly believe in yourself, you will without a doubt accomplish your goals.
6) What are your dreams and ambitions for the future?
I strongly feel like entrepreneurship is my calling and is where I am leading towards. Establishing an integrated communications agency is my dream and I am headed closer in that direction with every passing day