Interview with Heather Broderick
Transformational Life Coach and Hypnotherapist
1. Being a life coach sounds like an amazing profession, what inspired you to get involved?
I did a grief counselling course the year I qualified as a teacher (15 years ago) and realised I had entered into the wrong profession because I wanted to help people so much. I had clients with a Bereavement charity in England after training to be a voluntary counsellor for them but then I moved to Doha and continued my career as a French and English teacher. I decided to go into Life Coaching a few years ago and had a 3-5 year plan but when COVID hit and my school closed down, I decided it was a sign from the universe to do it now!
2. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
I left teaching in July so it has only been a couple of months doing this full time. I would say for now my biggest achievements in my career are being on Dubai Eye twice talking about anxiety, doing 2 podcasts, getting into writing blogs weekly and helping my clients over some huge hurdles in order to improve their lives on all levels.
3. I'm sure that training to be a life coach proved to be difficult at times. What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
I did my entire 2 year course last year in 8 months while working full time as a teacher, training for a marathon and trying to be a mum to my son! I spent every school holiday writing essays or practising new NLP techniques or hypnosis on volunteers to gain confidence. I loved the training and the course but it was a busy year knowing my school was closing and this was going to be my job. I had to learn how to set up a business, start posting on Instagram which I had never used before, learn about marketing, being my own boss and website design! It was such a relief to qualify and then to finish up at school, meaning I can focus 100% on this now. To overcome it, I just had to remind myself it was temporary and that eventually the course would be finished and the full-time job would soon be my dream career -that kept me motivated so much.
4. Has the recent pandemic impacted your life or your career; if so, how have you stayed motivated?
COVID has affected everyone in some way but for me the biggest changes were realising that during lockdown I wanted to be my own boss, leave education and help women. When we got the news that school was closing, on top of having loved teaching from home, it really was a sign that I needed to follow my dream, jump in feet first and pursue the career i had always wanted to.
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
I would say 'go for it!". Nothing is a dream too big and just having the belief in yourself that you are capable and that nothing can stop you, is a great start. Whether they want to change their job, retrain, move country, leave a toxic relationship, gain confidence, find a partner, have a baby or make a million dollars, it is all possible. If they are struggling to know how to break it into steps and how to work towards those dreams, then seek some help either through books, You Tube, a coach or a friend who has acheived what they desire. Keep at it, stay focused, visualise and eventually they will come true.
6. What life lessons have you learnt from Covid-19 that you would like to share with other aspiring women?
During lockdown, COVID has taught me that so many people do not like being alone. They need other people in their lives and that zoom calls and texts sometimes are not enough. Human connection is so improtant and helps with much more than just the odd hug! With travel restricted and people not seeing family for years, missing deaths and important events, I would say the one thing we all need to take from this is to appreciate the people we have in our lives and do everything you can to be in touch and to visit whenever it is possible. COVID has been heartbreaking for so many families so do what you can to keep in touch and show the people around you that you love them.
7. What are your goals for the upcoming year?
I would like my business to become more successful and be able to help more women to see and fulfill their potential. My goals are to start writing my book, host more workshops, create my online course and become one of the top contenders in the UAE for life coaching and hypnotherapy.
I would also like to get home at Christmas to see my family and friends whom I have not seen for a long time.
8. If you had a choice to have a superpower, what would it be?
My superpower would be to be able to give all people suffering, peace of mind. Emotional distress and physical pain cause so much unhappiness and I would love for me to be able to give everyone peace in their minds and no pain in their bodies.