Interview with Fatema Zahra Hussein
Animal Communicator and Animal Reiki Healer
1. Your gift is incredible, what inspired you to pursue your career?
I’ve always had a different connection with animals. One that I thought everyone had when I was younger. The way they communicated and interacted with one another mesmerized and fascinated me to no end.
One day I was in charge of an 18-year-old boy who was severely autistic. We went out into the desert for a hack and suddenly, he was desperate to get off his horse and seeing how he couldn’t communicate and let me know what he wanted, he proceeded to hit the horse multiple times to get him to stop. I was worried for the boy's safety in the event that his horse would rear up and throw him to the ground. My mind and heart kept wishing the horse would remain calm and I was repeating in my head please be calm, please be calm… that quickly sent out a telepathic note to the horse letting him know how I felt and that’s when I heard the horse replying back saying, “don’t worry, I won’t rear up. I know this child’s energy is unstable”. I whipped my head around in disbelief, wondering if I actually heard this?
Did anyone else hear it as well? I realized no one else had so I childishly asked, “promise?”. “I promise. I won’t move a muscle,” he said. Yes, I heard him again!
True to his word, he didn’t twitch once the whole time until we returned back to the stables safe. That is the moment that changed my life forever…
The boy was brought down by his trainer and the horse was taken back to the stable. I watched him leave, and a few steps later, the horse turned his head to look back at me and said, “you see? I kept my word!”.
That’s how my journey into communication started. I knew right there and then that this is what I wanted to do my entire life. I could use this to help animals and give them a much-needed voice. Their love and wisdom know no bounds and are something we can all learn from.
2. What do you most enjoy about your profession?
Since I was a child my aim in life was to help people and animals as much as I possibly could. I get to make my childhood dream come true every day by helping people form stronger connections with their fur babies. Helping humans understand why their pets do the things they do and help resolve conflicts and issues between multiple animals in one household. Think of it as therapy.
I love experiencing the energy shifts in an animal once a communication or healing has taken place. They know they’ve been heard and their journey honored by everyone involved, and as a result, they do change for the better. All they truly want is to make you happy and shower you with unconditional love.
I enjoy learning from my animal teachers. They have taught me so much for which I’m forever grateful. I learned how to heal animals through Reiki healing energy from a horse that I was close to while working at the Stables.
4. Has the recent pandemic impacted your life or your career; if so, how have you stayed motivated?
Not at all. With the work I do, everything works through energy. This means I don’t have to physically be in front of an animal to communicate or heal them. All I need is a photograph so I can connect to their energy. I then log onto their unique signature frequency and I facilitate a communication with them. The process works beautifully well whether you’re physically present with the animal or from a distance.
5. What advice do you have for women who are in pursuit of their dreams?
Everything you go through in life has a purpose and is leading you to your final destination. Life is a journey. Enjoy the process and don’t compare your journey with anyone else’s. Have faith in yourself and know that if you can perceive it, you can achieve it. All it takes is one step and the rest will follow through. Dream big and don’t discount the power of visualization.
6. What is the most memorable thing that an animal has communicated to you about?
Animals are emotionally complex. They have all of the emotions we label as human. They fall in love and have best friends. They have the ability to feel happiness, love, anger, frustration, rage, insecurity, annoyance, confusion, wonder, and a multitude of other emotions too.
What I've found in most of my communications is their amazing capacity for forgiveness. This is one of the many vital lessons that animals yearn for us to learn and incorporate into our daily lives. We are masters at the emotion of guilt. We excel at it and get locked into that disastrous emotion without realizing all the havoc it causes in our daily lives. Animals do not feel guilt as strongly as we do because they know of its consequences and realize that it has no benefit long term. Many of them ask, "wouldn't it be amazing if you directed all your energies in excelling at forgiveness instead of guilt?"
How powerful is that?
7. What are your goals for the upcoming year?
I would love to start teaching Animal Communication and Animal Reiki and spreading this beautiful gift to more people around the world.
8. If you had a choice to have a superpower, what would it be?
This is a tricky one. Teleportation would definitely be one of the top contenders.