Dr. des. Natalia Wiechowski (pronounced "VeeHofSkee") or Think Natalia is a Dubai based bilingual - German/English - Public Speaker and Coach with a social media following of over 114,000 individuals worldwide. After winning excellence awards across the MENA region and being featured in leading industry magazines, the former Marketing Strategist decided to radically change her lifestyle and career. A nine-month sabbatical combined with 13 years of expertise in human society and social relationships made the Social Scientist come to the conclusion that she has to think and live by example. Since then Think Natalia loves motivating people and sharing her inspiring stories on public stages.
Interview with Dr. Natalia Wiechowski
1) What is an edutainer? Is this something you always wanted to do?
"Edutainer" is a blend of the two words education and entertainment. The term describes a person who entertains his/her audience while (s)he teaches, educates or trains. Humor, storytelling or acting are just a few examples for how to make things more fun when sharing knowledge and experiences. People also tend to remember things better when they learn in such an environment.
So whenever I speak in public or coach people in personal branding I give my best to be edutaining. And no, I just recently figured out that this is my calling. I took nine months off to find and reinvent myself.
2) What difficulties have you faced to get to where you are today?
Self-doubts, wrong beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts were some of the biggest challenges I had to overcome to get to where I am today. To become the real, authentic and expressive character I am today.
I could eliminate most of those obstacles through studying self-development or self-help books, meditation and intensively training the skills I needed for my "second life". Some challenges I could not fix on my own. I asked for professional help. I still regularly contact my favorite Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, when I realize that I am running in circles, chasing my tail like a little, fluffy dog.
3) What is the best part about your career?
I can see, hear and feel the difference I make to other people and the societies we live in. After my speeches people regularly approach me and say things like "Thank you for this wake-up call, Natalia. That was the slap in the face I needed." Another example: A client I coached in public speaking decided to quit her stable job and pursue her dreams, because she realized she can be(come) anything she wants. Conquering her fear of public speaking opened her eyes towards this "truth".
In short: I know, that when I die one day, I will have made this world a tiny little bit better, kinder and more fun.
4) What advice can you give to others about pursuing their dreams and positive thinking?
Do not allow anyone to laugh at or to judge you because of your dreams - only because they gave up on themselves and accepted an unhappy, mediocre life. If you decide to take full responsibility for your life, you will achieve whatever you focus on.
And to answer the second part of your question: Positive thinking is important. But positive acting is even more important. If you want the life others only dream of, you need to start working on turning this dream into your reality. Otherwise it will only stay a dream. PS: Start today. Not tomorrow.
5) What are your dreams and ambitions for the future?
There a quite a few but let's focus on the most exciting ones. I want to hold edutaining speeches on each continent and offer action-packed Think Natalia summits within the near future. I will write books, have some of my current role models as friends and maybe get a dog and open a retreat in the Mediterranean area when I am bit older.