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Interview with Dina Assaad

  1. What inspired you to pursue your career?


After an unfortunate journey with my son , I became obsessed with his health , and mine.  I wanted to be strong and healthy in order to stay by his side. I then enrolled in nutrition school and learned that as much as food is important for us, so are our primary foods such as relationships, spiritually, our home environment & much more.  Finding the right balance has made me stronger & healthier from the inside and outside.


2. What is the best part about your job?


The best part of being a Health coach is listening to clients concerns, to their ups and downs in life .  I truly find pleasure being there for them and helping them find their balance by switching to a healthier lifestyle. Digging down to the root cause of their Dis-ease is another thing that lights Up my soul :) 


3. What difficulties have you endured to get to where you are today?


Nothing came too easy though, there were difficult times when I had to prioritize my time between my studies, my family and my clients. It is very stressful and time-consuming; So many times when I had to take a break from my courses in order to spend more time with my kids, but Balance is key ! 


4. What are your plans for the future?


As much I would have goals for the future , as much as I take it day by day . But my goal is to keep learning , educating myself and spreading awareness to people about the root cause of Dis-ease in the body; how what eat has an effect on our mind-body connection and how much our mind can influence the body ! 


5. What advice do you have for women across Dubai who are in pursuit of their dreams?


My advice; go and do it. No matter what you are passionate about , step up and do it ! Do whatever lights up your world!  Dig deep down in your heart , what is it that you love mostly in life ? The moment you start accomplishing something is the moment when your whole well being changes , you will see life from a different perspective. 


6. If you were stranded on a desert island for a week, what (or who) would you want to take along with you?


If I was on an island .. i wouldn’t mind being alone ! I love getting my own me time sometimes and this could Be an opportunity:) I’d surely fill up on healthy snacks & sunscreen ! 

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